SketchUp can be used as an alternative to Blender. Projects are built off of the Learn SketchUp Fundamentals tutorial series.

Project 1: Objects
Follow the 02 Quick Start tutorials in the Learn SketchUp Fundamentals series. Use 20 different simple objects to create a still life, scene or a more complex object. You can create a still life your kitchen with a table, chairs, and a few objects on the table. You can create a more complex object like a car, house, snowman, or Christmas tree. You can also create the swing set from the tutorial as well.
Project 2: Drawing Basics
Follow the next tutorial videos for 03 Core Concepts. Draw your own 3D object that has at least 30 different inference points.
Project 3: Push Pull and Measuring
Follow the next two tutorial videos for 04 Push Pull and 05 Accuracy. Draw a simple floor plan of a building and pull the walls up to 8 ft or 2.5 m. You can find simple floor plans with dimensions online or you can find some here.
Project 4: Drawing Tools
Follow the next tutorial videos for 06 Drawing Tools. Draw a complex object, like the Gothic window seen in the tutorials. The object should be created from at least 5 shapes (an oval, arc, rectangle, freehand and offset objects). The object should be extruded into 3-dimensions. Use the eraser tool to hide and/or soften the edges of the 3D object.