Allan Didier

Beginner Modeling


Students will learn how to customize a simple mesh using the modeling tools


  • Mesh modeling
  • Edit mode
  • Mesh edit tools: extrude, loop cut, bevel, etc.

Assignment Details

This assignment has 2 parts, creating some practice objects and creating your own object. 

Part 1. Practice Objects

Follow the directions in this link to Beginner Modeling Practice Objects to create a simple chess pawn and a block-style animal. 

Part 2. Your Own Object.

  1. Make at least 50 modifications to mesh vertices in a single, complex mesh object or in multiple objects. An extrusion or bevel counts as one modification even though it may modify multiple vertices.
    1. Simple example models would include chess pieces (like the knight, not the pawn), a simple animal (the block-style giraffe took about 20 modifications), furniture, a realistic sword, or a tank. 
    2. Complex models like motorcycles, faces, or detailed animals and characters are not necessary for this assignment.
  2. The object needs to be identifiable, no modern art. If Mr. Didier cannot tell what the object is, you need to do more work. 
  3. Use a variety of modeling techniques (extrude, bevel, scale, rotate, edge loops, knife, etc.). Don’t just extrude 50 times and call it a snake. 
  4. You can make the 50 modification in one or two objects, but not in more than 2 objects.  The goal is to learn how to create your own models and you need to make multiple modifications to a single object. 50 objects with 1 modification each does not demonstrate the modeling tools.


Beginner Modeling Tips and Techniques page. Check out this useful information for getting started with this project. 

Blender Fundamentals 2.8 tutorials

Previous Student Work


Grade / Topic




Practice Objects

All the practice objects have been made (chess pawn and animal/human)

All objects are clearly identifiable. 

All practice objects have been made.

Objects may not be too identifiable.

Only one object has been made.

Objects are not identifiable.

Number of VerticesAt least 50 modifications to vertices have been done.At least 40 modifications have been made.At least 30 modifications have been made.
Realism of objectYou can clearly identify what object is being modeled.You can somewhat identify what object is modeled.It is difficult to identify what object is modeled.
Modeling TechniquesModeling techniques such as bevels, extrusions, edge loops, and subdivision surfaces have been used often.Modeling techniques such as bevels, extrusions, edge loops, and subdivision surfaces have been used occasionally.Modeling techniques such as bevels, extrusions, edge loops, and subdivision surfaces may not have been used.