Project Description

- A scene with a small area to explore.
- A moving platform
- A door that is opened by a pressure pad.
- At least two enemies
- At least one object that can damage an enemy.
- At least 5 decorations
- A teleporter that teleports the player.
3DGK Project 1 Rubric
Grade / Topic | A | B | C |
Scene Creation | A new scene has been created and expanded. It that takes a few seconds to run around. The scene is large enough to give the other objects enough space for the player to explore. | A new scene has been created and expanded a little. It that takes a few seconds to run around. The scene is a little small with little room to explore and navigate the various other objects. | A new scene has been created and not really expanded. You really don't have to move to see everything in the scene. The scene is too small to give the other objects enough space for the player to explore. |
Moving Platforms | At least 1 moving platforms has been used. The platform works properly and delivers the player to an otherwise inaccessible area. | At least 1 moving platforms has been used. The platform may have a glitch and may not deliver the player to an otherwise inaccessible area. | At least 1 moving platforms has been used. The platform does not work properly nor does it deliver the player to an inaccessible area. |
Doors | At least 1 door exists. The door provides access to an area that is otherwise blocked. Door pressure pad works seamlessly opening the door. | At least 1 door exists. The door provides access to an area that is somewhat blocked. Door pressure pad opens the door, but not always smoothly. | At least 1 door exists. The door can be avoided. Door pressure pad does not work seamlessly. |
Enemies | At least 2 enemies are on the level At least one Chomper and one Spitter. At least one enemy has its speed and/or FOV modified. | At least 2 enemies are on the level At least one Chomper and one Spitter. No enemy has its speed and/or FOV modified. | At least 1 enemies are on the level Only Chompers or Spitters are used. No enemy has its speed and/or FOV modified. |
Falling Objects | At least one Pushable Box is used. The Pushable box can easily kill an enemy. | At least one Pushable Box is used. The Pushable box is difficult to use. | A Pushable Box is present but unusable. |
Decorations | At least 5 sprite decorations have been added. Sprites have been well placed. | At least 4 sprite decorations have been added. Most sprites have been well placed. | At least 3 sprite decorations have been added. Sprites have been randomly placed. |
Teleporters | The Telporter teleports the player to a logical location on the level. | The Telporter teleports the player random location of the same level. | A Teleporter has been added, but doesn’t work properly. |
Game Dynamics | All of the above game dynamics should be easy for the player to use and understand. The level is a tutorial on how to work the game mechanics. | The game dynamics can be a little confusing. The level partially walks through how to play the game. | The game dynamics are confusing. The level does not really help learn how to use the game mechanics. |
Game Aesthetics | The game is not too easy and not too difficult. Playing the game is enjoyable and you want to see what comes next. | The game is a little too easy or too difficult. Playing the game is a little frustrating, but you want to see what comes next. | The game is too simple or really difficult. Playing the game is too easy or too difficult. You don't care what comes next. |