You can also do tutorials by specific skill that you wish to learn rather than by doing a larger project. These are good for students with prior Unity knowledge, not necessarily good for beginning students.
- Game Objects Basics
- Character movement
- Using the new Player Input System: Unity Tutorial
- New Unity Input System (text-based)
- 3D First Person Movement with character controller.
- 3D Third Person Movement with character and camera movement through Cinamachine.
- Cinemachine + Input System: how to make Cinemachine work with the Input System. Good for adding a Free Look Camera to a Roll a Ball game.
- Object rotation. This is different than moving a character.
- 2D Movement. Basic tutorial from Brackeys.
- Animation
- Basic Animation and the Animator
- 2D Animation: creating, Animator, and scripting by Brackeys: good quick tutorial to get you going with animations, the animator and code for animations.
- Introduction to 3D Animation Systems by Unity. This is a giant hours-long tutorial that covers everything regarding animation from creating the animations to setting up the animator to creating code to control the animator.
- Working with animation and animations: 2018 by Unity: short tutorial for creating quick, short animations.
- Rigging
- Rigging a sprite with the 2D animation kit. – Unity
- Working with Animation Rigging (3D) – Unity
- Animation Rigging in Unity – Brackeys
- Sprite sheet to animations
- Introduction to Sprites and Sprite Sheets – Unity
- SpriteShapes: an alternative to grid sprite sheets. – Unity
- Sprite sheet creation tools
- LeshyLabs: good tools to test sprite sheets and tile maps
- Make a sprite sheet using TexturePacker for Unity.
- Make a sprite sheet in Photoshop for Unity games
- Basic Animation and the Animator
- Level, object and area design
- TileMaps
- Probuilder (Blender inside of Unity)
- Terrain
- Spawning and re-spawning
- Projectiles
- Camera movement
- Cinemachine Tutorial for camera movement
- Working with Cinamachine Cameras
- Controlling camera behavior
- follow player
- look
- AI and Pathfinding
- NavMeshes and AI pathfinding by Brackeys.
- Pathfinding for AI: Unity tutorial of using the NavMesh, NavMeshAgents, and for basic navigation of a NavMesh.
- Making Dynamic Navmesh for AI. This tutorial is the next video from the video above. It covers how to make objects changing the NavMesh during the game.
- Linking NavMeshes and adding animation. Continue with the series above to link NavMeshes together and add animation to your character.
- Patrolling AI. Add waypoints to an enemy patrol on a NavMesh. Video by Lofi Dev.
- Beginner Guide to AI: Tutorial for 2D AI including: Follow, Shoot and Retreat, Patrol, Pathfinding, Line of Sight by Blackthornprod.
- 2D Pathfinding for Enemy AI. Have AI find a path to the player in 2D from Brackeys.
- NavMeshes and AI pathfinding by Brackeys.
- Blender to Unity
- Importing Blender models and textures into Unity from UGuruz
- How to bake procedural textures in Blender and then export them to Unity from UGuruz
- Moving Blender Animations to Unity from . Move your Blender character animations into Unity. This video does not go into details on how to move the rig itself into Unity.
- Moving Blender Rigs into Unity from CGDive. This is a tutorial series, not just a single video. Bringing rigs and animation from Blender into Unity can be difficult.
- Particle System
- Prefabs
- Programming
- Junior Programming Pathway: Learn programming in Unity
- Introduction to Visual Scripting
- User Interface / OSD
- Scene Management
- Working with Multiple Scenes
- Scene Management Full tutorial on the scene management tool
- Creating a Start Menu
- Cutscenes and Trailers
- Lighting
- Inventory Systems
- Create a simple inventory system: CodeMonkey
- Create a complex inventory system: Game Dev Guide
- Free Item and Inventory System from Unity Asset Story
- Game Design and Difficulty
- Basic Principles of Game Design – Brackeys
- Difficulty in Video Games – Brackeys
- Storytelling in Video Games – Brackeys
- Audio
- Timeline
- Timeline Introduction: learn how Timeline is used to create cinematic sequences in Unity.
- Universal Render Pipeline
- Up and Running with URP: optimize your graphics and game with URP
- WebGL: use WebGL to export your games so that you can play them across the Internet.