Allan Didier

GD Ruby’s 2D Adventure P2

Project Description

Follow the online Unity tutorial to create a game using the Ruby’s Adventure. The tutorials covered include

  1. Game Environment and Physics
    1. Implement object collisions for your 2D game
    2. Set up tilemap collision
  2. Health System
    1. Set up a basic health system
    2. Create a health collectible using triggers
    3. Check character health before destroying collectibles
    4. Add damage zones to decrease health

Your game must include all of the the things from Ruby Rubric #1 plus the following:

  1. Main Character – Ruby
    1. Moves in front of and behind objects properly.
    2. Can be blocked by certain tiles.
    3. Has a health variable that can be decreased by damage areas and increased by health pickups.
    4. Can become invincible for a short while after taking damage. 
  2. Decorations that Block Movement
    1. At least one decoration collides with Ruby properly.
    2. Rigidbody and box colliders are set and resized properly.
    3. Ruby moves in front of and behind objects properly without rotating or jittering.
  3. Tiles that Block Movement
    1. At least one tile blocks movement, like a water block.
    2. The tilemap collider has been adjusted so that all of those tiles block movement.  
  4. Collectibles
    1. At least one block can increase Ruby’s health.
    2. The box collider, trigger, and code of the collectible have been set properly. 
  5. Damage Zones
    1. At least one damage zone can decrease Ruby’s health.
    2.  Ruby has an invincible time so that when she takes damage, she becomes invincible for a short period to avoid losing all her health too fast. 
  6. Enemies
    1. At least one Robot enemy has been created. 
    2. The robot can move smoothly back and forth. 
    3. The robot will damage Ruby’s health if it collides with her. 
  7. Game Mechanics
    1. Ruby and the enemies move in a logical and easy to understand way.
    2. The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.
  8. Game Dynamics
    1. Interactions between Ruby and the world (tiles, enemies, and decorations) are logical and easy to follow. 
    2. Ruby moves in front of and behind objects appropriately.
  9. Game Aesthetics
    1. The level is a more of a tutorial on how to work the game mechanics.
    2. The game has a medium to low difficulty level.
    3. Playing the game is enjoyable and you want to see what comes next. 


Grade / Topic





Moves smoothly

Moves in front of and behind objects properly.

Can be blocked by certain tiles.

Has a health variable that can be decreased by damage areas and increased by health pickups.

Can become invincible for a short while after taking damage. 

Movement is OK, but could be improved.

Moves in front of and behind objects fairly well.

Can be partially blocked by certain tiles.

Has a health variable that is sometimes decreased by damage areas and increased by health pickups.

Can partially become invincible for a short while after taking damage. 

Movement is not smooth and rotates.

Moves in front of and behind objects poorly.

Can sometimes be blocked by certain tiles.

Has a health variable that cannot decreased by damage areas and increased by health pickups.

Can almost become invincible for a short while after taking damage. 

Decorations the Block Movement

At least one decoration collides with Ruby properly.

Rigidbody and box colliders are set and resized properly.

Ruby moves in front of and behind objects properly without rotating or jittering.

At least one decoration partially collides with Ruby.

Rigidbody and box colliders are almost set and resized properly.

Ruby moves in front of and behind objects properly with a little rotating or jittering.

At least one decoration collides with Ruby but not properly.

Rigidbody and box colliders are not set and resized properly.

Ruby does not move in front of and behind objects properly. She has lot of rotating or jittering.

Tiles that Block Movement

At least one tile blocks movement, like a water block.

The tilemap collider has been adjusted so that all of those tiles block movement.  

At least one tile blocks movement.

The tilemap collider has partially been adjusted so that all of those tiles block movement.  

At least one tile blocks movement.

The tilemap collider has not been adjusted so that all of those tiles block movement.  


At least one collectible can increase Ruby's health.

The box collider, trigger, and code of the collectible have been set properly. 

At least one collectible tries to increase Ruby's health.

The box collider, trigger, and code of the collectible have almost been set properly. 

At least one collectible tries to increase Ruby's health.

The box collider, trigger, and code of the collectible are not close to being set properly. 

Damage Zones

At least one damage zone can decrease Ruby's health.

Ruby has an invincible time so that when she takes damage, she becomes invincible for a short period to avoid losing all her health too fast. 

At least one damage zone can decrease Ruby's health.

Ruby's invincibility almost works properly.

At least one damage zone tries to decrease Ruby's health.

Ruby's invincibility does not work.


At least one Robot enemy has been created. 

The robot can move smoothly back and forth. 

The robot will damage Ruby's health if it collides with her. 

At least one Robot enemy has been created. 

The robot does not move smoothly.

The robot will sometimes damage Ruby's health if it collides with her. 

At least one Robot enemy has been created. 

The robot does not move.

The robot does not damage Ruby's health. 

Game Mechanics

Ruby and the enemies move in a logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.

Ruby and the enemies move in a fairly logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.

Ruby or the enemies do not move in a logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is not too easy to move around.

Game Dynamics

Interactions between Ruby and the world (tiles, enemies, and decorations) are logical and easy to follow. 

The game dynamics can be a little confusing.

The game dynamics are confusing.

Game Aesthetics

The game is not too easy and not too difficult.

Playing the game is enjoyable and you want to see what comes next.

The game is a little too easy or too difficult.

Playing the game is a little frustrating, but you want to see what comes next.

The game is too simple or really difficult.

Playing the game is too easy or too difficult. You don't care what comes next.