Allan Didier

GD Ruby’s 2D Adventure P1

Project Description

Follow the online Unity tutorial to create a game using the Ruby’s Adventure. The tutorials covered include

  1. Player Character and Movement
    1. Set up a 2D player character
    2. Create a basic 2D gameplay environment
    3. Read keyboard input to control 2D character movement
    4. Create Input Actions for player character movement
    5. Make your game frame rate independent
  2. Game Environment and Physics
    1. Design and paint your game tilemap
    2. Create decorative objects using sprites

Your game must include:

  1. Main Character – Ruby
    1. Moves under keyboard control.
    2. Moves smoothly.
    3. Interacts with the world and other objects.
  2. Word Design
    1. A world of 50 x 50 has been created.
    2. A variety of tiles have been used to create the world.
    3. A Tilemap has been made with all the floortiles in the tutorial
    4. Tiles have been ordered properly.
    5. Certain tiles are colliders that will interact with Ruby.
  3. Decorations
    1. The world has at least 10 decorations.
    2. At least 3 types of decorations have been used.
    3. At least one decoration collides with Ruby properly.
    4. Box colliders resized properly
  4. Game Mechanics
    1. Ruby moves in a logical and easy way.
    2. The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.
  5. Game Dynamics
    1. Interactions between Ruby and the world (tiles and decorations) are logical and easy to follow. 
  6. Game Aesthetics
    1. The level is a more of a tutorial on how to work the game mechanics.
    2. The game has a medium to low difficulty level.
    3. Playing the game is enjoyable and you want to see what comes next. 


Grade / Topic




Main Character (Ruby)

Moves smoothly

Moves vertically and horizontally

Interactions are smooth.

Movement is OK, but could be improved.

Interactions are OK, but could be improved.

Movement is not smooth and rotates.

Does not move properly in one direction.

Interactions are not consistent or existent. 

World Design

A world of 50 x 50 has been created.

At least 15 tile types have been used.

A Tilemap has been made with all the floor tiles in the tutorial.

Tiles have been ordered properly.

Certain tiles are colliders that will interact with Ruby.

A world of 40 x 40 has been created.

At least 8 tile types have been used.

A Tilemap has been made with most of the floor tiles.

Tile order is good, but could be better. 


Certain tiles are colliders but don’t interact with Ruby properly.

A world of 50 x 50 has been created.

At least 4 tile types have been used.

A Tilemap has been made with a few of the floor tiles.

Tile order is confusing.

Certain tiles are colliders but don’t  interact with Ruby.


At least 10 different decorations have been added.

At least 3 different decoration types have been added.

At least one decoration is a prefab.

At least 5 different decorations have been added.

At least 2 different decorations types  have been used.

At least one decoration is a prefab.

At least 2 different decorations have been added.

Only 1 decoration type has been used.

Prefabs are not used.

Game Mechanics

Ruby moves in a logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.

Ruby moves in a fairly logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is easy to move around.

Ruby does not move in a logical and easy way.

The tiles and decorations create a world that is not too easy to move around.

Game Dynamics

Interactions between Ruby and the world (tiles and decorations) are logical and easy to follow. 

The game dynamics can be a little confusing.

The game dynamics are confusing.

Game Aesthetics

The game is not too easy and not too difficult.

Playing the game is enjoyable and you want to see what comes next.

The game is a little too easy or too difficult.

Playing the game is a little frustrating, but you want to see what comes next.

The game is too simple or really difficult.

Playing the game is too easy or too difficult. You don't care what comes next.