Allan Didier

GD Maze Game

The Maze Game is an extension of the Roll-A-Ball Tutorial. Add some new things to your Roll-a-ball game to extend the game.  In order to keep your old Roll-a-ball game intact, I suggest duplicating your scene before starting this project. This way you have your old game as a reference and your new game has all of the Roll-a-ball features in it already without having to recreate things.

Project Description

Expand your Roll-A-Ball game to include some of the following ideas. Work with Mr. Didier to determine what is appropriate for your project. If you need help finding tutorials for these topics, ask Mr. Didier or check out the Skills Tutorials page for ideas. 

  1. A larger maze or area to navigate
    1. Expand your ground area and place more walls and obstacles. Perhaps even create a maze to navigate.
    2. Since the game already uses gravity, you can use ramps and drops to go up and down. 
  2. Endgame
    1. The game ending should reflect your new additions. If you add more pickups, make sure to change the value you need to win.
    2. Respawn or reset the level if the player dies or falls off the level.
  3. Pickups
    1. Increase the number of pickups.
    2. Create different types of pickups.
      1. Use different shapes, colors, or animations.
      2. Different pickups are worth different values of points. Some may even take points away.
      3. Pickups can alter player dynamics like changing the player’s speed, size, or friction with the ground. Make sure the gameplay takes advantage of these changes. For example, if a pickup shrinks the player, make sure there is a part of the maze where the player needs to shrink in order to access this area. 
  4. Player
    1. Change the graphics of the player
    2. Change the movement of the player by adding jumping, sprinting or crouching. 
    3. Give the player the ability to protect itself from enemies via shooting or shields.
    4. Change the camera to alter the dynamics of the game.
      1. You can just move the camera on top of the player to make it a first person runner game. 
      2. You can add a Cinemachine camera to add new dynamics and movement to your player. This can be challenging, but takes your game to a whole new level. 
  5. Enemies
    1. Add multiple enemies.
    2. Give the enemy a range so they only go after the player when the player gets within a certain range. 
    3. Make the enemies patrol areas.
  6. Other
    1. Add doors, keys, or inventory systems. 
    2. Add a timer. 
    3. Add a world boundary. 


Work with Mr. Didier to determine how you will be assessed. Some of the above topics take minutes to finish while some may take weeks. You need to choose work that should take close to 2 weeks to complete for a project grade.