Allan Didier

GD Maze Game

The Maze Game is an extension of the Roll-A-Ball Tutorial. Add a new scene to your Roll-A-Ball and create your own maze game. 

Project Description

Expand your Roll-A-Ball game to include the following:

  1. A maze to navigate
    1. Expand your ground to fit more walls.
    2. Make a maze using at least 40 walls.
  2. Endgame
    1. End the game when 50 points are earned, not when the count reaches 12.
    2. Display a message when the game is over.
  3. Player
    1. You can keep the player ball the same.
    2. Move the camera to limit the view of the player.
  4. Pickups
    1. Increase the number of Pickups to at least 30.
    2. Place them all around the maze.
    3. Create at least 3 different types of pickups.
    4. Use different shapes.
      1. Variations can rotate like the cube.
      2. Use a variety of colors, not just one color for all of them.
      3. Different pickups are worth different values of points. Some can even take points away.
    5. Make them disappear when they are touched.


Grade / Topic




Maze Creation

A complex maze has been created using at least 40 walls.

Walls are well placed in 3D space.

The walls are placed to make an actual maze, not just a path to follow.

A complex maze has been created using at least 30 walls.

Walls are placed OK in 3D space.

The walls make a slight maze.

A complex maze has been created using at least 20 walls.

Walls are not well placed in 3D space.

The walls make more of a path than a maze.

Player and Camera

The player moves smoothly and intuitively under user control.

The camera follows the player properly.

 The player movement is OK, but could be better.

The camera follows the player, but could be better.

 The player movement is difficult or confusing.

The camera movement is confusing


At least 30 pickups have been used.

Pickups are made of at least 3 different shapes.

Pickups have at least 3 different colors.

Pickups have at least 3 different point values.

Pickups disappear when picked up.

 At least 20 pickups have been used.

Pickups are made of at least 2 different shapes.

Pickups have at least 2 different colors.

Pickups have at least 2 different point values.

Pickups may not properly disappear when picked up or may be difficult to pick up.

At least 15 pickups have been used.

Pickups are made of at least 2 different shapes.

Pickups have at least 1 different colors.

Pickups have at least 2 different point values.

Pickups may not properly disappear when picked up or may be too difficult to pick up.

End Game

The game ends at 50 points.

A proper “Game Over” or “You Win” message appears when the game ends

The game can go to 50 points, but doesn’t end.

When the game ends, the message may be a little confusing. 

The game cannot go to 50 points or cannot end.

When the game ends, the message is confusing.