Level / Skill
Objects and Meshes
Selecting, transforming, rotating, scaling.
20 objects per scene
Parent-child relationships
Layers, groups and scenes
50 objects per scene
Particles: computer generated meshes and objects.
Multiple layers, groups and scenes
100+ objects per scene
Meshes, edge, face, vertices
Subdivision surfaces
Objects with 50 vertices
Joining and stitching mesh objects
Modifiers: mirroring, subdivision surfaces, Boolean, bevel, etc.
Vertex groups
Objects with hundreds of vertices
Realistic modeling of objects like people, animals, faces, cars, etc.
Objects with thousands of vertices
Particle systems and auto-generated shapes
Materials & Textures
Basic shading, color, materials, and textures
Basic UV mapping
Intermediate UV mapping
Bump and displacement maps
Node editor with 5+ nodes.
Multiple materials on a single mesh
Lighting multiple scenes
Animating the lighting
Adding mis en scene with lighting
Fire and other complex luminous objects
Basic 3-point lighting system (key, fill, and back lights)
Lighting a character
Spot, hemi, and sun lamps
Adding color to lighting
Scene lighting (outdoor, indoor, and specialty)
Luminous objects
Lighting multiple scenes
Animating the lighting
Adding mis en scene with lighting
Fire and other complex luminous objects
Camera & Rendering
Single camera
Basic rendering
Rendering a simple animation
EVEE vs. Cycles rendering
None specific for this skill. The Beginner Lighting and Materials & Texture assignments will get you this skill.
Camera Motion
Multiple cameras
Rendering complex models and animation
Camera motion: pan, track, and zoom.
Integrating photography rules (rule of thirds, depth of field, etc.)
Customizing rendering
Basic bones and armatures
Basic pre-made rigs
Rig parented to model
Armatures with less than 15 bones
Inverse kinematics
Full human / animal rigs
Weight painting
Armatures with 30 bones
Inanimate object rigs
Facial rigs
Armatures with 50+ bones
Rigs with positioning bones
Frames and keyframes
Basic simple object motion animation
Timeline, Dope Sheet, and Graph Editor
Simple physics engine animations
Adding curves to the graph editor
Animating cameras
12 principles of animation
Realistic movement animation (i.e. walk cycle)
Inverse-kinematic animations
Blender physics systems