Allan Didier

GD Syllabus

Course Overview

Students in this class will design simple computer games. Topics to be covered include character and level design, animation, Newtonian physics, programming, and 2D/3D mechanics. The advanced game engine Unity will be used to create games.


Intro to Computer Science (HS or Mid School). You should have some basic knowledge of programming either using block ( / Scratch) or script programming (python, java, C++, C#…). 



Other Materials
  • Chromebook for viewing tutorials.
  • Software for creating games
    • Scratch: This software will run on the Chromebook
    • Unity: Recommended, but it requires a Mac or Windows computer. Unity will not run on the Chromebooks.
  • Check the Game Design Materials page for more information.
Class Rules and Expectations
  1. Do onto others as you want them to do onto you.
  2. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like an adult.
  3. My job is to teach. Your job is to learn. I have a problem with whatever gets in the way of us doing our jobs.
  4. Digital Classroom Expectations

Students will learn:

  • Game Design Analysis and Critique
  • Sprites and Objects
  • Animation
  • Repeating Textures and Backgrounds
  • Cameras and Lighting
  • Obstacles
  • Object Pooling
  • Object Physics
  • Programming (C# and/or JavaScript)
  • Publishing

Grading is done on a point-based system. Your grade will be based on a straight percentage of the points that you earn. The points, though, will be roughly distributed in with Test and Projects ~= 80% and Class Work ~= 20%. The final exam will be ~ 15% of the semester grade. Projects will be graded by opening, explaining, and demonstrating your project on the computer in class for Mr. Didier or by uploading them to Google Classroom.


The class will have no direct homework. If you do not have time in class to finish your projects, you can take them home as homework. 

Late Work

Late work for most projects is accepted without penalty. If you don’t have a project turned in on time, I will put a zero in PowerSchool. When you turn it in, I will change the grade and give you full credit. I do this so that you are your parents know that you are falling behind.

This syllabus is subject to change and revision.