Allan Didier

GD Scratch Character Animation


Students will create a character sprite in Scratch and the character to move under user control.


Block-style programming, sprite creation, user control of sprites, physics of motion

Assignment Details

In Scratch, choose a sprite character for your game. Program the sprite to move under user control. The more complex the motion, the better your grade. You can add one or a combination of the following to make your movement complex. For an “A” you should have “A” level Motion or Animation, or a good mix of the two. 

  • Physics: add gravity, acceleration, deceleration, bouncing and other physics controlled motion.
  • Animation: add walking, running, flying, jumping or other animations to your character movement. 


Grade / Topic




Ease of MovementThe user can easily and intuitively move the character.The user can easily move the character, but it takes a little practice.The movement of the character is a little awkward.
Complexity of MovementThe movement of the character is complex, realistic and follows the rules of physics like gravity, acceleration, and deceleration.The movement of the character is realistic and somewhat follows the rules of physics.The movement of the character is simplistic and does not follow any rules of physics.

Character animation matches the movement.

Character has multiple animations (walking + running + jumping + shooting).

Animations play and switch properly.


Character animation matches the movement.

Character has two animations (walking + running).

Animations play and switch fairly well.

Character animation doesn’t really matches the movement.

Character has a single animation.

Animations do not play and switch properly.

Movement Matches GameThe movement is appropriate for the game and makes the game more playable and interesting.The movement is appropriate for the game but does not make the game more playable nor interestingThe movement is not appropriate for the game and makes the game hard to play.

The program runs properly without bugs and glitches.

The code is very readable and easy to follow.

The algorithms are elegant and simple.

The program runs, but with a few bugs and glitches.

The code is readable but confusing in parts.

The algorithms are clean, but could be better.

The program only partially runs

The code is difficult to follow and understand.

The algorithms are confusing, awkward, or redundant.